As we enter a new year, it is a great time to set new goals. Research shows that it can take an average of 66 days to develop a habit. It can be beneficial for you to set clear personal goals for yourself. This can help you stay motivated and on track even on tough days where you may feel like not exercising or doing a meditation. Here are some actionable steps to create goals that are meaningful for you:
Be SPECIFIC: You may have heard of SMART goals before. The first step to a smart goal is being specific. The more specific you are the easier it is to visualize and measure you progress. Here is an example: I will be able to run a 5K at this year's turkey trout race or I will be able to get up and down from the floor so I can play with my grandkids.
Make it MEASURABLE: This means how are you going to measure your outcome. In the examples above the running goal is measurable by a distance and the floor transfer goal is measurable by ability.
Make it ACHIEVABLE and REALISTIC: We mention this as sometimes people will mention goals like participating in a triathlon but they may have difficulty walking a mile. It is okay to start small with a goal so it manageable and achievable. You will feel more motivated by achieving smaller goals quickly then feel like you are stuck working on a big goal for a long time.
Have a TIME frame. This is beneficial as it is gives you a due date. We all work harder when there is a set due date compared to an open ended assignment
Involve someone else. It is easier to stick to a goal if you have someone who is holding you accountable.
When you are getting started it may be helpful to start with one goal at a time. This way you can have some wins which will help you stay motivated.
This week:
Write out one SMART goal and share it with someone who will help you stay accountable.