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Speaking Loud or Speaking with Intent?

Writer's picture: Engage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and WellnessEngage PT, OT, SLP Therapy and Wellness

Updated: May 12, 2023

talkng loud

In previous posts we have discussed the LSVT Loud program and the Speak Out! program. Today we are going to break down the difference between the 2 program so you can find the one that is the best fit for you.

LSVT Loud is a 4 week program, meeting 4 days a week of an hour for individualized speech therapy. The therapy is simple, but effective, meaning that even those with cognitive impairments can have great outcomes. LSVT’s Loud for Life is a group exercise class, which can help you maintain the gains you made in therapy. You can check out our group Monday's at 11 am.

In comparison, Speak Out! individual treatment sessions can be completed in 45 min (vs. the 60 min sessions in LSVT), and are only held 2-3 times a week, for a total of 9-12 tx sessions. By focusing on moving from automatic speech to speaking with intention, this program has also demonstrated improvements across the speech system. However, this concept may be slightly harder to grasp compared to LSVT’s focus on simply speaking louder. A benefit of Speak Out! is that it targets cognition as part of the treatment protocol, which LSVT does not directly do (although trained LSVT clinicians are encouraged to incorporate cognitive tasks when possible). In addition, they designed their voice exercises to reduce vocal strain or other unhealthy vocal behaviors. If you are someone who has significant changes to your vocal quality, Speak Out! may be a better option. LSVT and Speak Out! Are both excellent treatment programs.

At the end of the day, it is most important that you get appropriate treatment specific for PD, regardless of which one. Although the protocols are structured, and appear to be easy to complete, you should never try to do them on your own without the expertise of a qualified SLP. LSVT has been around longer, so has much more research supporting it’s effectiveness. However, Speak Out! also has good research outcomes, and I expect more in the future.

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